Wednesday, July 30, 2008

In good company. Sara throwing her first party seems to be having a lot of fun with her guests.  It's hard to get to the crib right when a baby wakes up, but having someone else with you makes it all right.

So on top of a mountain distances are hard to judge and goals  of getting to the top adjusted.  However, this day Scott made it to the top of King's Peak ( the highest point in Utah) and came back as happy as a kid could ever be.  To be Young at Heart.

One of our favorite vacations turned out this year to be camping in the mountains.  What fun. Dirt, Dirt and Mesquitoes.  And still we would go back.  Sara had the least fun sleeping in a tent, or maybe it was Mom and Dad.  Yet we would still go again.  Thank you Harmans.

So it is amazing what a few balloons does to give color to life and memory.  Katie and Brynn had a lot of fun giving away balloons that day.