Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Wanted: One Shelf

So a long time ago, I bought a bench to store the shoes in the entry way of our home. For a long time we had an empty wall because I knew I wanted to hang a shelf above the bench. One rainy night traveling through Orem, I saw a huge shelf on the side of the road with a FREE sign by it. I convinced Scott to help me haul the shelf home to our garage. The shelf was too big for the wall, so Scott helped me to take it apart, shorten it and then put it back together again. I painted it, and then it took huge screws and more to attach it to our wall. But I love it. Here is what I pulled together from the Christmas boxes to adorn it. In January I put out Snowman decor put only left it out a little while because it felt cluttered. Decorating it will be a work in progress, but I am enjoying the process.