Thursday, May 16, 2013

What boys think are important - Kaleb's Trip to Germany

So we received little communication from Kaleb as he traveled.  Good sign he can take care of himself. But when we did it was pictures of huge chocolate boats.  Seriously.  He came back with lots of pictures of the BMW museum and chocolate.  But he did manage to appease his mother with this picture.  So beautiful.  This is how I picture Germany.  Realistically it is more like the other pictures he brought back.  Graffiti, tourist attractions, kids without parents.  I am sure his bubble popped a little in what he viewed on his trip also. Sigh, growing up.   However, the lessons from war, and paying to attend church sure sank in.  What an awesome treasure for him to grow from and add to his life experience bucket.  The chocolate tasting and food sure helped to make the week awesome.